
SWOT Analysis of Patanjali Ayurved [Detailed]

This SWOT Analysis of Patanjali will help you understand your favorite brand Patanjali much closer. As a marketer, you will be able to understand the brand better through this SWOT…

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Why do Prices End in 99?

Almost every day in different places, you would have seen that prices of different things end in 99 or 9. We all have seen those prices and some of us…

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SWOT Analysis of Apple [Detailed]

Apple is a brand that is a favorite of any marketer purely because of the kind of learning you can have from it. In this discussion, I will take you…

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DataCamp Data Scientist with Python 1

How to become a Data Scientist with Python You are aware that learning Data Science can be crucial to how your career moves ahead. Let me tell you that there are only two reasons of why you haven't been able to learn Data Science yet: (i) Lack of a structured learning approach and (ii) Lack of motivation. In this discussion, I will share with you how using the Data Scientist with Python Career Track you can have a structured learning for a sprawling career in Data Science and in Marketing.

Statistics, analytics, and marketing are the backbone of an MBA degree. Whether it’s a consulting or a profile at an investment bank or a tech-savvy role at a new startup,…

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Pluralsight Review: Is Pluralsight Worth the Money? [FREE Account] I finally found a learning platform that grades courses as per my skill and expertise level so that I know where to start. It also lets me take an entry level IQ test to tell me what my current level in that topic is. I am talking about Pluralsight, a not yet famous learning platform in my circles. But, in this Pluralsight review, when I will take you through its great collection of AI, Data Science and Digital Marketing courses, you would definitely want to take its free trial and try it out.

Let’s be honest; marketing gimmicks of the last decade aren’t applicable today. Books are getting older, and the entire ecosystem is changing – and in these times, keeping your skill-set…

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